Many years ago, I was an avid player of snooker and the best advice ever given was about control the cue ball (white ball).
"Make the ball do the work, not you"
So instead of trying to play for shots with lots of side, screwback etc to get in the right position for the next shot. I learnt how to play using this philosophy. It helps for a more relaxed state of play.
The same applies to sim driving, as I noticed DucK applies the same principle "the less you have to do behind the wheel, the faster you will go " well almost the same, maybe not faster , but you will make less mistakes in my humble opinion.
@Wandering , its like they say but to put it an more friendly way is to advise you to try other servers, and i know your probably to help posting this thread.
I agree though first impressions can weigh heavily on judgment and the more tolerent the attitude then the more likely that first experience or repeated experience of badly administrated servers, will influence potential customers etc etc.
pallu would be the perfect base for S3 ai, hes damn damn damn fast fair and quite a friendly chap.
tbh i think i beat pallu more then he has beat me, but then that just be my selective memory at work again... and if it is .. why did it not follow me home today..
To the OP my advice buy S2 , Ignore the negativity you find here (use the ignore function) find a nice race server, i recommend deadmenracing and LR Racecenter and R2R TBO server, and most importantly have fun
Not really, understanding the benefits for the entire userbase and of course for the application itself, and the work involved, the science involved. It's no simple feat to rewrite LFS code to become a true multithreaded application.
The more proffesionals discuss the differing mechanics within applications that are multithreaded, the better imo.
Well Fordman, its like this, every server wants some cool insim point automated admin system.
"Ohh you had a crash" "email it to us we review it."
Sorry to point you out beano but i frigging hate this ario stuff.
I dont want rotation, I want Pure LFS servers please, less spam (chat is not spam btw)
Im not bothered about TBP SPB sector times unless and pushing the car hard and then i will use LFSWorld when serious.(Ingame provides this info anyways)
Did i mention i hate autorotation.
What happened to the admin, you know the guy/gal keeping up moral and keeping idiots out and good vibes in.
Meanwhile the real racers keep getting rear ended, pushed off the track. But its ok i can email a report ........
Seriously being taken out doesnt bother me much though, as 99/100 I can smile as I know that the other racer is learning from his/her mistake.
You will still find that same experience fordman if you look around, people seem to be more true to themselves once peer pressure has worn off, and I still find myself helping other drivers with sets driving styles and lines.
Ahhhh but then come to the forums and all you see are childish posts/rants/ideas & the bullies and freaks.
There was once a time where you needed to really read a thread, now with my ignore list and the replies of what seems to be a selfish, arrogant and disposable minority. That seem to care about their own opinion, rather then the topic of the thread.
I have an idea i have long thought about, splitting the forum for under 21's and for over 21's
Hururattio made some very good points and voiced out most of my feelings about why some are disappearing, and shit... I have to agree with Tristan about CTRA.
I'm not one of these oldtimers that gets bored, or thinks dev pace is too
slow, Hell i have hardly driven the S2 Cars, still totally addicted to TBO.
Now usally i would just close my browser window at this point, and just walk away.
Today i thought otherwise.
*** edit *****
Just like to add though the forum has improved a little recently, some good threads.
There is an old proverb that goes somthing like this;
"you can please some of the people, some of the time, but you can't please all of the people, all of the time"
Nope due to a glitch in the sytem we have here on earth, most humans can never remember what or who they where before they exsisted, nor can we say that after death we have our memory in such a place.
No i dont think i would.
Im sure he is busy, some things are not meant to be and some things happen regardless of divine intervention.
Be sure! My brother just ran a 10k event down in blackpool and put in a good time, but laughed when he said most of the blokes finishing above him were older and he pushed out 37min time, he is no spring chicken either.
He runs every other morning, and tries to keep in shape, I think he is nuts.
But if you enjoy it and its keeping you healthy, stick to your schedule and push it.
One thing i think is overlooked here, is the actual road surface?
This is quite important really, and perhaps this is also part of the puzzle that needs more attention?
This is why Larrabee for Intel and Fusion (bulldozer) AMD are so interesting.
Both, sorry all companines (lets not forget Nvidia for a moment here)
Intel and AMD have many cross liscencing patents on technology.
Nvidia are in trouble and in again my own personal opinion pushing physx and cuda as a means of existance in the future.
Neither do I think that everyone will own DX11 card in 2011. But i do think Multicore CPU and X64 will be at the core of many home machines alongside DX9/10 Capable GPU.
The question i ask is why if you had a DX8+ engine plan for DX9 when the API from what i understand from 10 onwards is easier to expand upon for future revisions of the DirectX API. And from that logic apply that 10+ would be the next logical step.
Dual Boot is always an option and for some its a requirement either that or have a machine dedicated for legacy applications, or going one step further running some VMware type software.